It will still be a while before our wine is reality this year. The vines are late bloomers. They do not dare to declare spring and the start of a new season yet. Meanwhile, I am searching for the sign of spring which celebrates women.
A bud will soon break out on the vines.
The plant I am searching for is an early bloomer and one of the most beautiful in our area. But I have to stroll out of the gate and over to the neighbors in order to enjoy it. My in-laws claim that the tree is deceased. I am uncertain, because I don’t remember that I saw it last spring.
Then it appears. I see it from far away. You may know that feeling. Walking into the property of someone else without permission. I do it even so, although I don’t like it. I am entering a field of old vines. They haven’t been cared for or harvested for years. Old strings of metal that used to hold the vines in place, are now hanging loose and may easily become a trap for my foot.
It is becoming more difficult because this time I am filming using my mobile phone. You find the result here, on my You Tube channel.
I am walking a few hundred meters, and what meets me is a tree florishing in bright yellow. It is huge. Most of the flowers are several meters up. I have to stretch to pick some. The flowers smell wonderfully.
This is mimosa, and the tree and the flower symbolize solidarity between women. On the Internatioanl Women’s Day, it is used and often given as a gift by the man to his special woman. I will enjoy the bouquet a bit before I give it to one of my female friends. At the same time, I am sending a greeting to all the beautiful women I know.
The drink Mimosa is said to be named after this flower. Haven’t you tasted it? You should. It is perfect to serve at brunch, or even for breakfast on special occasions. It is also a good choice for Easter. Another thing, it may help you if you are hung over.
Recipe for Mimosa:
50 per cent cool Prosecco or another dry sparkling wine
50 per cent cool orangejuice – preferably freshly squeezed and drained
The drink is traditionally made with orange juice, but you may also use pinapple, cranberry or another juice of your choice. Have a look at all the varieties at Pininterest. A toast to women!
Photo: Anne Fredrikstad and Pixabay