Yellow flowers are making a carpet between the vines. It’s as nature is decorating itself for Easter in the vineyard.
Easter is early this year and it’s still chilly here in Acquapendente in Italia. It is still frost at night, but every day the temperature is climbing. At the same time, the flowers are starting to bloom. Even in the shaded areas, wild primula flourish in light yellow.
There’s work to be done at Easter. A part of it takes place inside and outside of the cellar.
We have a lot of visitors this Easter. Some come by to see the vineyard and to taste the wine. Others stay longer and give us an appreciated helping hand.
We are pumping over wine from one wine-container to another. The sediments from the wine we made last fall is thrown out. It also involves cleaning.

A friend from Norway helps to clean.
We taste all the wines, and it is so nice to have someone to share it with. Our wine is still only to be found here in Italy, and it is always exciting to serve it to guests for the first time.

Tasting wine after work in the cellar.
There is still snow on the mountains, but although we love to ski, we choose to enjoy Easter in the vineyard. We rake leaves, cut trees and wild blackberries.
The tractor we bought last spring – is given an over-haul. Soon it will be used to remove all the yellow flowers between the vines, but not until Easter is over.
I’m already looking forward to next Easter in the vineyard. Easter 2019 is several weeks later than now. Hopefully, it means the appearance of even more signs of spring.
How was your Easter? I hope it was good! I enjoy seeing all the photos in social media of all the different Easter holidays. It makes me feel like I am celebrating Easter in different places.
It feels a bit sad that Easter is coming to an end. Couldn’t it last a bit longer?
But it is also indicating a shift – spring is arriving. The evenings are lighter, the snow is melting, the birds are singing and the sun is warming.
Let’s enjoy all the colors that nature offers – and cherish some of those good feelings Easter gave us.
Perhaps – may this season inspire to new projects that will fulfill our dreams.
What do you hope for spring? I wish you beautiful days!